Monday, June 25, 2012

J2ME Roguelike

J2ME Roguelike

J2ME Roguelike game for Java enabled mobile devices can be found at Paul Rowland Apps

Features include:
Random Dungeons, Monsters and Items
Advanced combat system
Perma Death
Turn Based
Load/Save Game

Friday, June 27, 2008


Not been posting for a while, RL issues and stuff (RL == Real Life) Not Rogue Like.

This is a game I've been working on recently, not exactly a Rogue Like, but does have a RL sounding title, Dungeonz.

You cant play it inside your bog standard web browser, which is kind of cool. The URL is

Paul Rowland Apps

Sunday, July 02, 2006

4e5RL screenshot

This is a screenshot of my current project 4e5RL, '4 Elements number 5 Rogue Like'. For the Gamedev programming competition.

It looks shit at the moment, thats the effect im trying to acheive while in development anyway.

You can spend huge amounts of time making it look cool, then when you do get it right, because you're looking at it for long periods of time, it slowly begins to look shit, and you have to change it again, and again, and again...

Im concentrating on functionality. That's my excuse anyway.

What you are seeing is a fully random dungeon with automaticaly generated navGraphs for A* pathfinding. The Minator model is from 'Heretic'.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Ultima Underworld II

More research, this time Ultima Underworld.

This is definitely the style of game I'm most interested in, Elders Scrolls Arena & Daggerfall, as I remember them as being one of the best games I've played when they first came out.

Not surprisingly they don't hold up very well with the test of time, in fact they are nearly unplayable by modern day standards.

However, I still remember them with rose tinted spectacles in all their glory.

The knack is to make a modern game play the way you remembered them to play like, not actually play like them, if that makes any sense.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

From tiny Acorns, mighty Oaks grow...

/// Name: main.cpp
/// Author: Paul Rowland (area51)
/// Desc: Rogue Lore. A 3D graphical 'RogueLike' game.

#include "game/Game.h"

//! Main game loop.
int main()
CGame game;;

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

4E5 Contest

Excellent, Gamedev's 4E5 (4 elements no5) game contest has just begun.

And as I havn't really started coding yet, I will enter 'Rogue Lore' when it's done. Deadline November 30th 2006.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Bamboo and Rice Paper

I've finaly decided on how I will build my 'Rogue like' game, and is as follows:

C++ using Visual Studio Express 2005
Irrlicht 3D Engine
IrrWizard Game frame work (of course)
mySQL database

Game mechanics
First Person 3D
Random dungeons.
Lots of Items, Armour & Weapons.